Verification of Lawful Presence (VLP)

Based on requirements from the Board of Regents of The University System of Georgia, admission to UGA is contingent upon the verification of a student’s lawful presence (VLP) in the United States. Prior to enrollment, all admitted students must have their presence verified. This process varies based upon whether you are a domestic or international student.

Accepted Documents for Domestic Students*

Please note you are not required to submit all of the documents listed below. You can select from one of the following categories to fulfill your VLP requirement.

*Domestic Students includes Permanent Residents.

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Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Students who are either a U.S. Citizen or an eligible non-citizen for federal student aid purposes can submit a FAFSA. For citizenship confirmation purposes, UGA will need to receive your processed FAFSA data from the U.S. Department of Education confirming your citizenship status by May 1. UGA will receive notification of this at the same time that you will know by receipt of the electronic Acknowledgement Form from the U.S. Department of Education, which is usually 3-5 days following your electronic submission of the FAFSA or approximately 3 weeks following a paper FAFSA submission.

If you do not submit a FAFSA or the FAFSA process does not confirm your citizenship status, you will need to provide us with other citizenship documentation.

driver's license/state IDs

We are able to accept driver’s licenses and state IDs from the states listed below. Please note: Only unexpired licenses and state-issued IDs with the REAL ID symbol may be accepted. Licenses and IDs marked “Not for REAL ID Purposes,” “Federal Limits Apply,” or similar will not be accepted. Temporary/interim driver’s licenses and/or IDs (paper copy provided until the official DL/ID card is generated) cannot be accepted.

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia (front and back of card needed)
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

This should be scanned and submitted using the Verification of Lawful Presence document upload area on the application status page.


We will accept a current U.S. passport with an expiration date after the first day of your initial term (photocopy must include the photo page and the following page).

This should be scanned and submitted using the Verification of Lawful Presence document upload area on the application status page.

Green Card Holders/Permanent Residents

Green Card holders should plan to submit a front and back copy of their Green Card to fulfill their VLP.

This should be scanned and submitted using the Verification of Lawful Presence document upload area on the application status page.

Green Card Applicants

If you are in the process of obtaining permanent legal residency, please plan to submit all documentation related to this process. This would include, but not limited to, an Employment Authorization Document, the form I-485 or your I-94 departure record.

These should be scanned and submitted using the Verification of Lawful Presence document upload area on the application status page.

If you are a pending Green card applicant (meaning you have filed an I-485 application), and your previous visa status has expired, you will not be eligible to enroll at UGA.  If you think you have evidence of an underlying status, and evidence of your filed I-485 application, please email the Director of Immigration Services, at

Miscellaneous documents not listed above

We will accept any of the following documents to fulfill the VLP requirement:

  • Clear and complete copies of original and certified US birth certificates may be accepted by mail or electronically for the purpose of verifying US lawful presence. The copy must be of “an original or certified birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority, or territory of the United States bearing an official seal”. The copy must very clearly show the raised or written seal to be acceptable. Copies that are not clear or do not show the seal cannot be accepted.
  • A U.S. Certificate of Naturalization (USCIS form N-550 or N-570)
  • A U.S. Certificate of Citizenship (USCIS form N-560 or N-561)
  • Permanent Resident Card (USCIS form I-151 or 551)
  • Military ID presented in person (service members only, not valid for dependents. Scans, photocopies, or faxes will not be accepted)

These should be scanned and submitted using the Verification of Lawful Presence document upload area on the application status page.

Accepted Documents for International Students

Please select from the list below the option that applies to your current status.

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U.S. Visa-Holding Applicant (H-4, J-2, E-3, A-4, O-3, TD, etc.)

When applying to UGA, please submit a copy of your Non-Immigrant Visa, or evidence of your non-immigrant visa status, I-94 information sheet (printed out form and Passport Picture page by uploading these copies directly to your online application portal page and indexing them as VLP documents. You may also email these copies to

Please make sure to send us your most up-to-date immigration status records. If you have filed a change of status application, or an I-485 adjustment of status application, then we will need copies of those receipts. Please upload legible copies of your immigration documents directly to your online application portal page and index them as VLP documents. You may also email copies to

F-2 or B-2 tourist non-immigrant statuses are prohibited from degree program study, so individuals holding one of these non-immigrant statuses will not be eligible to enroll and register for classes at UGA.


If you hold refugee or asylum status, apply as an international student. Please plan to submit all documentation related to this status. You may upload approved asylum or refugee documentation and Passport Picture page directly to your online application portal page and index it as VLP document. You may also email us a copy of your approved asylum or refugee documentation and Passport Picture page to

Please make sure to send us your most up-to-date immigration status records (meaning if you have filed a change of status application or for an I-485 adjustment of status application, then we will need a copies of those receipts). Please upload legible copies of your documents directly to your online application portal page and index them as VLP documents. You may also email copies to


If you hold a pending refugee or asylum status, you are able to apply and receive an admissions decision, but you may be unable to finalize your admission or enroll at the University of Georgia unless your pending immigration status changes by the beginning of the term for which you are admitted. For more information on the USG policy for DACA and Verification of Lawful Presence (VLP), please visit:


If you hold a pending or approved DACA status, you are able to apply and receive an admissions decision, but you will be unable to finalize your admission or enroll at the University of Georgia unless your immigration status changes by the beginning of the term for which you are admitted. For more information on the USG policy for DACA and Verification of Lawful Presence (VLP), please visit:

F-1 or J-1 Applicants

You will meet with representatives from the UGA Office of Global Education upon arrival at UGA at your mandatory immigration check-in to verify your immigration documents. The Verification of Lawful Presence (VLP) flag on your record will be lifted after we confirm that you were admitted to the U.S. in valid F or J status.

Please note that if you hold none of the above documents, we will attempt to confirm your immigration status through the government’s SAVE database.

If we receive confirmation of your status, we will be able to remove the VLP flag from your record.

We will use the application status page to inform you that we have verified the appropriate document. The status page will be updated when we receive documentation, but it may take an additional 2-3 weeks for us to verify the document as meeting the requirements. Please continue to review your application status page for this information.

While your ability to sign up for Orientation is dependent upon payment of your Commitment Deposit, Orientation attendance will not depend upon our having received appropriate documentation of your lawful presence. If you attend Orientation without this clearance, you can still meet with your advisor and then register for classes at a later date via the online registration system after the documentation has been received by the Office of Admissions.

For more information on this topic, please consult our Verification of Lawful Presence FAQ.