Reading Lists!

  David Graves      June 10th, 2010

It is summertime, which means that the summer reading lists are out in full force. In my house (with a rising sixth and a rising eighth grader), there is now a great deal of moaning going on whenever I bring up the dreaded “reading” word. Yes, I understand that school is just now out for […]

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UGA and Score Choice

  David Graves      September 2nd, 2009

It is nearing the end of summer, and so begins the season of doubt. “Should I send my SAT/ACT to UGA now, or wait until I see how I did?” Fear not, because this question is a non-issue at UGA. UGA’s policy on test scores is that we only look at the highest sub-scores of […]

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Admissions Numbers vs. Enrollment Numbers

  David Graves      August 12th, 2009

UGA has just sent out a press release on the Summer/Fall 2009 enrolling class, and we are thrilled to welcome them to campus! This is an incredibly strong group of incoming freshman and transfer students, and we know they will do well on our campus. As I have warned you in the past, though, please […]

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Make Time to Read

  David Graves      June 8th, 2009

I returned home from a trip to NC to visit family this weekend, and I had a chance to talk with my soon to be HS sophomore niece, Lauren. She has a busy summer ahead, and was not looking forward to her summer reading assignment. As it turns out, her assigned book is “Ender’s Game” […]

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