Building an Inclusive Community

The University of Georgia is the flagship institution of higher education in the state of Georgia. It has a duty to prepare its students to function effectively, to be leaders and to be citizens of the state, region and nation. Our goal is to ensure that the University of Georgia is an inclusive and welcoming environment that enables all students, faculty, staff, and partners to learn, grow, and thrive.

Office of Institutional Diversity/
Office of Inclusive Excellence

The Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE) leads the university in fulfilling its commitment to be an inclusive campus that is enriched and informed by the personal, cultural and intellectual differences of its students, faculty, staff and visitors. As UGA grows more inclusive, creating a welcoming climate of respect and inclusiveness for all is more important than ever.

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Campus Connections
Student Affairs Programs and Services
Dedicated to providing opportunities for students from all backgrounds and experiences to expand learning beyond the classroom.
Office of Student Success and Achievement
Empowering students to achieve success with innovative courses, programs, services and student-centered initiatives as they transition into higher education.
Pre-College Opportunities
UGA offers a number of opportunities for students in K-12 to become engaged with academic departments, extracurricular activities and summer camps.
UGA Mentor Program
UGA’s Mentor Program helps to make sure that someone is in your corner throughout your journey at UGA through one-on-one mentorship connections.
First Generation Success
UGA proudly support students who are the first in their family to go to college. We are equipped with resources to promote success inside and outside of the classroom.
Accessibility and Testing
Accessibility and Testing supports the success and progression of students by collaborating with university partners to provide academic accommodations and testing services.
Admission Deadlines

Don’t miss an essential deadline. Check on upcoming dates here.
