David Graves      May 8th, 2014 in Blog

Late today we offered admission to a little over 130 students from the Wait List.  We admitted a very small number of students for Fall admission, but the large majority were offered admission for the Spring 2015 term. We will email this news to the students and give information about their two-week Commitment Deposit deadline, campus
housing, Orientation and other pre-enrollment issues. In addition, the myStatus page is updated to show these decisions, and a decision letter will be mailed shortly. Over the next few days, we plan to email the rest
of the wait-listed students to inform them that we cannot offer them admission off the Wait List, and we will then update their Status Check one final time.

In reviewing the students who we admitted off the Wait List, there were a variety of individual reasons for the offers that were made. As such, I cannot give an overarching reason for the decisions. We did take into account our earlier reviews of the files, along with a wide range of information that we had on hand.

For those many strong students we were not able to admit from the Wait List, we thank you
for choosing us as one of the options for your higher education.  We
wish you the very best of college success.  We understand that this is
not the news you were hoping for, and we very much appreciate your
patience “waiting on the Waiting List.”  Please remember that
there are a number of complex reasons why the University made the final
decisions it did, and we respectfully remind all that this blog cannot
be used for comments about why you or other individuals did or did not
get admitted in this last round of consideration.

We hope that our quick turn around of the Wait List situation has allowed you and your family to make plans on a much earlier time frame that initially projected.

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