Transfer Pathway Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some commonly asked questions for the Transfer Pathway, an invitation only program offered to a small cohort of students. Please keep in mind that the application process is student-managed and that students are responsible for keeping up with dates, deadlines and items to be submitted.

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The Transfer Pathway program allows students to apply in the Spring semester of their first year of college for admittance as early as Fall of their second year if they have 30 transferrable credit hours completed by June 15 and meet the GPA requirements to transfer to UGA. This Transfer Pathway program allows students an opportunity to apply a semester earlier than the traditional transfer route. The Transfer Pathway program is only for students who were invited to participate in this program.


You don’t need to formally accept the Transfer Pathway program. Your Transfer application will automatically be flagged as a Pathway student when it is submitted.

Can Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate course credit count toward the required 30 completed semester hours?

Advanced Placement credit will only count toward meeting admissions criteria if it is adequately represented on another college’s transcript. The credit must be identifiable as AP, have a course designation at the college (ex. ENGL1101), and credit hours (ex. 3). If UGA Admissions cannot determine from the transcript the course or hours or if it is AP credit, the credit will not be included in transferable hours.

Does it matter where I go to school first in order to transfer to UGA?

No, it does not. But UGA only accepts coursework from United States institutions accredited by the regional organizations of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. An Outsourced Credit Evaluation is required for Non-U.S. institutions. Transferable credit from a community or technical college is generally listed in their transfer/general education core. Advanced placement credit listed as specific courses on a college transcript may be transferable. Non-academic, sub-college level, non-credit, experiential learning, professional certification and areas of study not also taught at UGA will not be transferred.

I have attended more than one institution. Do I need to send transcripts from every school at which I have taken college level work?

Official transcript(s) from all colleges or universities ever attended, including work completed through joint or dual enrollment programs, through study abroad work, or through work completed as a summer transient or any other program, are required for a complete application.

How will I know which classes will transfer to UGA?

We cannot tell students what courses definitely will or will not transfer until an application and transcripts are submitted. For admitted students, we will provide a list of all UGA courses for which a student has received credit.

Courses designed to apply towards a Bachelor Degree generally transfer. Some types of courses that may not transfer include: Experience or Institutional Placement, Non-academic courses (Internships, Workshops, Practicums, etc.), Music performance beyond 4 hours, PE beyond 1 hour (no grade used) and Bachelor Degree level areas of study not taught by UGA (Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, etc.).

Our Transfer Equivalency Search System contains courses that have already been researched for other UGA students. Please note these course equivalencies are subject to change.

What do all of the symbols mean on the Transfer Equivalency System?

The first 4 letters are the UGA prefix, (ex. MATH) the next number is the course level (2) and the last 3 are the course designation (TXX, GXX or numbers).
Transfer Electives have (T) designations (ex. MATH2TXX)
General Education Core Electives have (G) designations (ex. MATH2GXX)
Direct Equivalents have number designations (ex. MATH2250)
NTFR prefix indicates a course does not transfer to UGA (ex. NTFR0TXX)

Why are some courses listed as electives on the Transfer Equivalency System?

Transferring Courses that do not match to existing UGA courses because of content, hours or UGA Departmental instructions are transferred as electives.

What if the transferring course is not on the Transfer Equivalency System?

Beyond the general rule for transfer (Bachelor’s Degree Level courses should transfer), Prospective students and applicants will need to wait until they are admitted for more information. Current students may contact their UGA advisors or departments.

What are General Education Core Electives?

Transferring Courses that do not match to existing UGA courses, but satisfy core at another University System of Georgia (USG) school, or some non-USG schools are coded to satisfy core requirements as electives.

For example:
USG course College Algebra MATH1111 = MATH1GXX automatically satisfies Core Area 1/A or
3 hour USG course Intro Spanish SPAN1001 = SPAN1GXX automatically satisfies Core similarly to the UGA 4 hour Intro Spanish SPAN1001.

Why do some transferring courses have multiple UGA Course listings on the Transfer Equivalency System?

Some courses may transfer differently if combined with other courses or additional hours may transfer as electives.

Examples include: A 3 hour science course or 1 hour lab may transfer as an elective if both were not completed, a 4 hour transfer course may transfer as a 3 hour UGA course and 1 hour elective, College Algebra (USG ID: MATH1111) combined with Trigonometry (USG ID: MATH1112) may transfer as Pre-Calculus (USG ID: MATH1113) and a General Education Core elective (MATH1GXX).

I received a failing grade in a course but have retaken the course. Will the failing grade be replaced?

In calculating your GPA, we use all academic grades you have earned in transferable courses (including Ds, Fs, and WFs) from every college you have attended. If a course is repeated, we will use both grades. As well, we only review transfer work with specific course titles, course numbers and credit hours.

Does UGA use my plus/minus grades from my previous college?

We do use plus/minus grades in the calculation of your transfer GPA. For a UGA GPA, we will translate the plus/minus work into the grade scale of UGA, and the HOPE scholarship program does not accept plus/minus grades.

What kind of support services are available for transfer students at UGA?

UGA offers a variety of support services for students as they navigate the application process and begin classes at UGA. You can find comprehensive information online at