Deferred Applicant FAQ

Early Action applicants who have been deferred often have questions about the steps needed to continue being considered for admission. We have created the following FAQ to address those concerns.

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I am a strong student and have been deferred. Why did this happen?

Our goal is to enroll a first-year class of roughly 6,200 students for the Fall. However, since we still do not know the total number of Regular Decision applications we will receive or the strength of these applicants, we must remain conservative in our Early Action admissions offers. This careful approach ensures we are able to consider highly qualified applicants from both the Early Action and Regular Decision applicant pool as part of the incoming class.

Additionally, Early Action applicants tend to be exceptionally strong academically and often choose to apply early. Given the strength of our Early Action applicants, the Early Action process is extremely competitive, and we are forced to defer many highly qualified applicants who may eventually be admitted later in the application process.

I have been deferred. Is that the same thing as being denied?

NO! Early Action Applicants who have been deferred have been identified by UGA as academically competitive and will still be considered for admission for Fall. Your commendable academic credentials have been reviewed and, at this time, we are deferring the decision about your admission to allow for a more comprehensive overview of your accomplishments and achievements.

I still want to be considered for admission to UGA. What is my next step?

Your application should be considered complete for Fall unless your application status page indicates that we are still awaiting materials. If you have new information, you may provide it through the Application Update Form located on your status page through January 31. As we continue to evaluate your application, please note that fall grades can be helpful. You may self-report your mid-year grades on the Application Update Form or have them sent by your school counselor by mid-January. ACT or SAT scores must be sent to UGA electronically by January 15 from the respective testing agencies.

I have submitted the Application Update form with my fall grades and/or updated information. Is there anything else I can do?

After you have submitted your Application Update Form, the most important thing you can do is use your extra time to focus on your academic coursework, extracurricular activities, etc. and finish your senior year strong as we work to finish our holistic review of applicants.

Should I apply again or submit another application fee in order to be considered for Regular Decision?

No. Applicants who have been deferred should NOT reapply for admission and no additional application fee is necessary. Your application should be considered complete for Fall unless your application status page indicates that we are still awaiting materials. If you have new information, you may provide it through the Application Update Form located on your status page through January 31. As we continue to evaluate your application, please note that fall grades can be helpful. You may self-report your mid-year grades on the Application Update Form or have them sent by your school counselor by mid-January. ACT or SAT scores must be sent to UGA electronically by January 15 from the respective testing agencies.

Will UGA accept December SAT or ACT scores if I choose to retake either of those tests?

Yes. UGA will accept December SAT and ACT scores as long as they are sent electronically from the respective testing agencies by January 15.

I was deferred but another student at my high school with a lower GPA or lower standardized test scores than I have was admitted. Why?

The primary academic factors in admission are:

Grades through the end of junior year

  • Rigor of a student’s curriculum relative to the curriculum offered at his/her high school
  • SAT or ACT scores from exams taken AND requested by October 15

In addition, secondary consideration is given to the following factors in our whole student review:

  • Intellectual Pursuits
  • Creative Endeavors and Intercultural Experiences
  • Public Service
  • Co-curricular Activities
  • Community Involvement
  • Leadership and Family Commitments
  • Integrity and Personal Maturity

Therefore, a specific GPA or test score does not determine whether or not a student will be admitted Early Action.

When will I receive my final decision?

Final decisions for all applicants will be released in mid-to late March.

Am I at any disadvantage by being deferred?

No. In recent years, a large number of students who were deferred Early Action were eventually offered admission to UGA.